Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween! "I'm going to be mommy "

Hello everyone and Happy Halloween!  Well it has been stormy all day and still is! Cloudy, dreary, rain, high winds and a tornado warning! So much for handing out candy!

    Here are photos of my youngest daughter (on the left) when she was little and her daughter (on the right). I made both costumes,hats and trick-or-treat bags. The costumes are glow in the dark. My daughter said when people would ask Ruby what she was going to be for Halloween she replied " I'm going to be mommy". I love it!  

Hugs Pam


  1. Oh my, how adorable is that. Love it so much. Wonderful idea. She looks great as her Mommy. Please tell her that I said she looks great! It is nasty and cold here in Indiana. It has been snowing today. Fell bad for all the little ones getting out tonight. Happy Halloween!

  2. Thank you so much Cindy I will tell her! It's a shame about the weather. Halloween is so much fun for everyone.

  3. They could be twins in those costumes. What a great memory and what a smart girl Ruby is! I wish I had your sewing skills. How lucky Ruby and your family are to have you! Love the costume! We had rain that turned to snow yesterday. I had a total of 7 trick or treaters. The twins didn't have much interest this year and it was just too cold for them to be out. They had Micky and Minnie pjs that they wore. Have a super (hopefully warmer) weekend!

    1. Thank you so much Donna! I agree they could be twins. It rained and blew all evening and we had tornado warnings here. Luckily Ruby had good weather in Florida to trick-or-treat.


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