I made two little pillowcases and pressed them, folded them and tied them up with a red satin ribbon. The Rudolph print is the main part of the pillowcase. The candy cane print is the open end of the pillowcase and the red with white dot is an accent strip.
I just LOVE this Rudolph fabric that I purchased at JoAnn Fabrics! Maybe Ruby will dream of Rudolph and candy canes while sleeping on these sweet pillowcases. Sweet dreams little Miss Ruby! Thank you for stopping by and have a great day!
Hugs Pam
Oh my gosh, I absolutely love them, Pam!! The Rudolph fabric is so beautiful!! These will bring happy Santa dreams for Ruby!! Have a great evening!! Big hugs :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
OMG!! Your granddaughter will love these rudolph pillowcases!!! Have a great day,